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Uppingham C of E Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income and other disadvantaged families and their peers. The funding is based on the number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), looked after children and the children of service families on the school roll during the January census day.  Children who have ever been eligible in the previous 6 years for FSM, are also eligible for the Pupil Premium funding and the Department for Education will pass on information to each school about the numbers of pupils eligible for this in February each year. Schools are expected to use the funding to help close the attainment gaps for eligible pupils. For the year 2024-25, schools will receive £1,480 for each FSM pupil and £2,570 for Looked After Children. Schools also receive £340 per child of a service family. School must decide the best way to use the Pupil Premium Grant to narrow the gap between the highest and the lowest achieving pupils and to support the children with parents in the forces.

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