Collective Worship, RE and SIAMS
Collective Worship, RE and SIAMS
Our School’s Christian Vision
To inspire a love of learning and discover how to make a difference in the world.
“With God, all things are possible.” Matthew 9 v26
As a school we are a kind, caring community built on the Christian foundations of love and respect.
We are a school where:
Everyone matters and all are equal.
We all have a clear sense of belonging.
Individuality is celebrated.
Everyone is proud of themselves and proud of the school.
"Let every detail in your lives - words, actions, whatever - be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way." Colossians 3:17
Because we are all special in God’s eyes.
About Our School
In 2019, SIAMS judged us to be a “good” church school. Our SIAMS report says;
- The strong and passionate leadership has created a vibrant, inclusive Christian community in which everyone flourishes.
- The clear vision reflects the local community, motivates and inspires everyone in the school family. This has a profound impact on pupil’s wellbeing.
- Pupils are passionate about religious education (RE). The subject is instrumental in helping pupils to live well together and inspires a sense of self belief.
- Collective worship is joyful and uplifting and pupils are involved with many aspects of worship.
You can read our full SIAMS report here;
Values and Policy Area
RWV Curriculum Overview
Collective Worship
We have a Collective Worship everyday where we spend time together as a school family. Collective Worship is led by school staff and our local vicar leads worship on a regular basis. We also welcome visitors to Collective Worship.
In Collective Worship we aim to develop a sense of:
- awe, wonder and mystery
- interdependence with the natural world
- pattern, sequence and order
- self worth and value of others
and an awareness:
- that life involves choices of belief, attitude, behaviour and relationships
- that there are issues of meaning, purpose and value in life.
All collective worships are based on the principles that they should be:
- inclusive
- educational
- spiritual
- contribute to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children
- special times where the children can feel secure and relaxed and share with others to foster a feeling of community.